So having an error message that was more than just "can't make type' even if just a little more, would go a LONG way.
I'm left with no exceptions in my code to guide me or any other info other than "Object can't work!". So the crux of the thread, is there anyway to obtain any meaningful info from this error message (and similar messages)? Yes, I'm sure I'm missing something in my code, but considering issues like this don't appear until you commit a transaction. At this point, I'm stuck with a very unhelpful error message. Alas, I put in my values, and it works just fine. My next step is to insert the family into a project manually and fill out the dimension parameters manually to try and find the offending value/parameter combo. I go through my code as we step and examine each value I'm passing into parameters into the Family and everything seems to line up. -M, Write error messages to standard output instead of creating a. Fine, I'm familiar with this error, I commonly see it when a value for a parameter I'm entering causes issues within the family, usually being too small since we work with a lot of small elements (aware of Revit's 1/32" rule).

So, as per above, I found 4 flags, 2 for each WebGL and OpenGL on chrome://flags/: This worked on both Chrome and Brave. includes swapped to reproduce the error - includes. Set to 'Enable' or 'WebGL' all of the found settings. For the code the reproducer below is based on, the message is. This time Enter-PSSession returned different error: Here is the transcript: PS C:\> Stop-Container -Name mycontainer -Verbose VERBOSE: Performing the operation 'Stop-Container' on target 'Stop-Container will shut down container 'M圜ontainer'.'. Picat's cp solver reads and 'loads' the constraints incrementally which can be faster since it can then reduce the domains after reading a constraint. and search for first WebGL and then OpenGL. On the same container host, I've created a new container image. But, I'm getting the error message shown in the attached screenshot "Cannot make Type". For Chromium based browsers, go to chrome://flags/, brave://flags/, etc. I'm using a process that has worked well for me in the past. /supervisor.sh: /bin/bashM: bad interpreter: No such file or directory. The family is not really unconventional, it's a family that has some nested components. jj, Aug 10, 2007, 59df188db85f, prepro: better error message display.

On to my point, is there any way to extract more meaningful information from errors through the API? For example, I'm currently trying to work out an issue with a family I am trying to insert an instance of through the API. jj, Aug 24, 2007, 1d0835629f4d, compilec: (bad hg log) handle ternary correctly. For context - I have seen this Idea posted but it seems to apply to Revit as a whole rather than being API specific. if you try to use data that a code has clearly indicated to be bad. Making a post looking for clarification of information. With the PREPRO codes we try to introduce an additional ERROR due to processing that.