Supports responsive wordpress themes and modern web browsers on desktop, tablets mobile
PanoPress is compatible with 360° spherical panoramas, partial panoramas, flat panoramas, 360 degree video, gigapixel, multi res, deep zoom panoramas, 360° object movies, virtual tours containing multiple panoramas linked via hotspots and audio or video, custom xml files, global swf+js skin files, panoramas hosted on another server including Amazon S3 other CDN, VPS, other cloud services, and more. PanoPress supports Flash HTML5 panoramas created by the applications listed above, PanoPress is fully compatible with Apple’s iPad iPhone, as well as Android and similar mobile or tablet devices which support HTML5 or Flash, PanoPress will also support WebGL Panoramas when they are supported by Krpano Pano2VR later in 2013 Supports all modern 360° Panorama and other stitched image formats PanoPress also supports 360 degree and other panoramas hosted on sites like, ,, , etc Supports Flash HTML5 Panoramas

PanoPress is a free WordPress plugin for displaying 360 degree panoramas created with KRPano, Pano2VR, Kolor Panotour Panotour Pro, Flash Panorama Player Flashificator, PTGui, Saladoplayer similar apps, and also displays legacy QTVR files in flash via CuTy (CuTy must be downloaded separately). Description Embed 360° Panoramas on your site with PanoPress